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Manley 300B - testy


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Manley 300B


Manley 300B Preamplifier recenzja "HIGH" 5/2008  

"Our  most esoteric product is THE 300B PREAMPLlFIER.” Tak rozpoczyna się opis tego urządzenia zamieszczony
na stronie firmowej Manley Laboratories Inc., wlasciciela marki Manley . I trzeba przyznac, ze Amerykanie, a właściwie Eve Anna Manley... caly test 


Manley 300B Preamplifier recenzja "Home Theater and High Fidelity" 6/2004

I have often wished to review Manley products. Part of the fascination comes with EveAnna Manley herself... cały test

Manley 300B Preamplifier recenzja "Harvey Rosenberg"

While cruising around the 1997 AES convention my nose started to water and my tail started to wag.
This old thermionic hound dog was picking up a powerful thermionic scent and
I didn't know what it was strong and very different... cały test

Manley 300B Preamplifier recenzja "The Inner Ear Report" #13/3

David Manley is no longer associated with the company that bears his name but he is undeniably responsible
for a share of the tube renaissance that has swept high-end audio in the past twenty years... cały test


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